The Wrong Lilies

The Wrong Lilies

Friday, August 11, 2023


 It's been too long since my last post.  Too many things have happened that perhaps should have been written about, but the inexorable pressure of time makes the past truly passed.

So now here I am, living under what is called a heat dome, in Texas, trying to figure out all the current wild aspects of our lives!  

There is a recent movie, Everything, Everywhere, All At Once.  I tried to watch and appreciate the movie; it won lots of awards.  But in fact, it is the title that seems to be with me every day. There are so many bizarre things happening, everywhere, all at once.  The planet has heated up, definitely.  Politics are bordering on the insane.  So many aspects of ordinary life have spun out of control, if control was really ever there.  But there is such an undercurrent of hate and anger in just everyday life, resulting in terrible violence.

And yet, I find kindness and courtesy in many instances when out and about.   People still hold doors and try to help with courtesy. 

For every bizarre politician, there are several trying so hard to help and protect.  

For every tale of devastation, there are others of hope.

The Hollow Man I wrote about long ago is still in play, and yet, he may soon be chastened.

And one must believe/hope/wish that soon, there will be a fall and a time to recover.  For everyone.

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