The Wrong Lilies

The Wrong Lilies

Sunday, June 12, 2022


 The list is long of all the difficult and challenging things that are occurring at the same time in our world.  Sometimes one almost feels we are in some sort of sci-fi movie, because so much seems so strange.  There seems to be so much anger in our society and in our world.  Just the headlines in the news can be terrifying.

And yet, and yet, many of my favorite perennials, especially the daylilies, insist on blooming, insist on bringing beauty for whoever would see it.  

And yet, perhaps because I seem to be looking more and more mature, so many will open a door for me, or stop their car if I'm walking to my car.

And yet, my calico kitty is always welcome to love and attention, with a loud purr that shows she's pleased.

And yet, I encounter smiles so many times while shopping, just the friendly sort that says 'hi'.

And yet, a small bowl of very good vanilla ice cream with fresh blueberries on it can assuage a lot of worry.

And yet, I can still find a good book to read or a good movie to read.

And yet, a loved one's voice on the phone or a shared laugh, all of these can help me find a way to be comforted.  

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