For instance, since Texas in the summertime is just about
always too hot and too humid, after working outside in the garden or even
inside upon occasion, what we want as a rule is a shower, something cold to
drink, and as soon as possible, a nap.
So, suppose it’s one of those nap occasions, and we’ve just stretched
out on a sofa in a cool dark room, or in a recliner. Or we’re in the middle of a meal or a good
book or a movie or it is 9:00pm at night.
And then the phone rings. And it’s someone who wants us to give to a
charity, or contribute to a political cause or have our roof looked at, or they
want to put a new security system in, absolutely free! The list goes on and on and so do the calls.
We are on the national do-not-call list, have been for
years, ditto the state do-not-call list.
We have a personal policy of never, ever, ever doing business with or
responding to telephone solicitations, not even if it is our favorite charity
or our favorite political party. There
is seldom any way to find out who is actually on the other end of the line,
plus it would be downright foolish to give out credit card information simply
because of a phoned request, when there are infinite other ways to make
charitable gifts or other kinds of contributions by going to the official
website or even writing a check.
The main thing for us is that a soliciting phone call is
obtrusive and almost always inconvenient, and we will not under any
circumstances reward such an intrusion.
And whether it is a call by an actual individual or a ‘robo-call’ that
gives a spiel and pretends to give an option to decline future calls (such
options never seem to work), what the sources of these calls do not seem to
comprehend is that not only do we not do business via phone solicitations, but
our hearts become more and more turned against the announced purpose of the
caller. In other words they irritate us,
something fierce.
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