That is possibly a strange question to ask, particularly as
the body of opinion seems to be as equally divided about the global warming
issue as it is about politics – or should we say, ‘other issues of politics’.
But in the middle of a discussion with someone dear, I had
one of those personal moments of illumination.
Thinking over the past few weeks of this year of horrific drought and
fire and flood and storm, and keeping in mind those same problems in the last
few years, and holding those situations up against my dear one’s doubts about
whether we are indeed dealing with climate change or a brutal, multi-year
cycle, it occurred to me that maybe everyone is right. Maybe climate change is going on, and maybe a
lot of it is cyclic, and maybe it
actually doesn’t matter what the cause, or causes, is or are.

Most of us know things that can be done: stop using plastic bags and focus on using
reusable bags and containers; stop using our automobiles as toys and use them
as frugally as possible; recycle constantly and carefully; turn off everything
when we’re not using it; avoid toxic chemicals on our lawns and gardens and
farms and ranches that contaminate our land and water; look for and support
green initiatives such as solar power and wind power and clean (or cleaner)
fuels. And there are so many ideas and
suggestions constantly coming forward. Maybe
we can figure out how to channel flood waters away from a stricken area and
toward a drought stricken area. You
know, like a gas pipeline, only with water. And perhaps
most important of all, we can plant something – a tree, a bush, a flower,
some plant in a pot that will help clean the air.
We seem to be so busy as a culture in worrying about the
economy and money and politics and religion that, as important and vital as all
these issues are to humankind, what good are these issues and even their
resolutions going to be if we don’t have a survivable environment? What earthly good?
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