However, and you knew there would be a ‘however’, just as we
were leaving, there were two people getting bags of ice from an outside location
by the exit door. One was a man in
perhaps his mid to late forties, somewhere in that age range, and the other
person was a young man in very late teens or very early twenties. The younger man had a black hoodie that
caught my husband’s eye. On the front of
the hoodie were the words “Camp Auschwitz” and a skull and cross bones and under
that the words “Work Will Make You Free”; on the back was the word “Staff”. Just repeating this description is
nauseating. After we went on to the car and unloaded our groceries from
the cart, my husband was gone longer than expected to return the cart. When he returned to the car he was very
upset, actually trembling with disgust, and he described the hoodie and that he, a very non-confrontational man, had confronted that young man. He asked
the young man if he really thought the shirt was cute; he also asked the young man if he realized that people were roasted in ovens in Auschwitz. The only reply given was
a mumble. When the situation and the
hoodie were described to me, I wept. I
wept for my husband’s pain, I wept for all the suffering that the one word, “Auschwitz”
represents, and I wept for the appalling ignorance of that young man and the
venality of whoever created such a garment.
There was nothing illegal about the shirt. We live in a country where freedom of speech is one of our many rights. Where disgusting statements such as
what is described can be made. Perhaps
these two men consider themselves white supremacists and felt pleasure in my
husband’s being upset. I decided to be
very grateful for three things: that we
have a country where even something such as that disgusting shirt can be
displayed with impunity; that they didn’t pull some sort of weapon and hurt my
husband for confronting them; and finally, that I share a life with a man who
expressed so decently his horror and revulsion.
And finally I thought of the terrible, terrible price paid
by those who lived and died in Auschwitz and the other camps, because unlike
the young man wearing that hoodie, all of those people, all of the people
caught up in the Middle East ‘Arab spring’, all of our military, and so many
others, all of these know what freedom is for.
I don't know how I can express my pride at my dad for confronting such ignorance and my pride at my mom for such a well written piece. I'm so proud of you both and love you beyond measure!!