The Wrong Lilies

The Wrong Lilies

Saturday, October 22, 2011


While rambling in the garden this morning, I was enjoying the fall amaryllis (Rhodophiala) that are blooming in red and pink.  The pink, particularly, are fairly unusual and striking.  The summer has been so horrific and the garden looks so poorly that anything that is blooming is so very welcome.  I recalled seeing some for sale on one of my favorite bulb web-sites, and considered maybe ordering some more, even though the few I started out with are multiplying readily, and even though my planting spaces are starting to fill up.  But that old acquisition gene that most of us humans and some of the so-called lower species share tried to kick in (more about squirrels later).  OK, so I have these, but maybe I could/should/would get more!  I reined in the thought in time to prevent myself from getting more!  At least this time.

“But,” I tell myself, “I do love bulbs so.”   “Yes,” I remind myself, “but you already have some bulbs ordered to plant this fall.”  “Ok,” the dialog continues, “but these would be more pink ones.   And those are extra special.”  “Aren’t they all,” I retort to me.  And so it goes. 

The internet has made it so simple to order clothing or household items or books or music or movies or bulbs, all of which are my particular weaknesses.  But I have plenty of clothes just now, nothing fancy, but enough.  And as to household items, the cabinets and closets are full, thank you very much.  Ditto the shelves which hold books and CD’s and movies.  And those bulbs already on order?  I made myself plan exactly where they could be placed before I ordered them.  Well, mostly.

There’s not a thing wrong with acquiring items we need.  Or even really, really, really want.  And there are those of us in true need for whom anything would be useful and fill a need.  But for those of us who have enough, or maybe too much already, of baubles, bangles, beads and bulbs, surely a good way to proceed is to be thankful for what we have.   And, wild idea, use the resources for helping those without, instead of getting ‘more’ for ourselves.

I don’t know the sources for these two wonderful quotations but they pretty well sum it up:  “It’s not having less but wanting more that makes us feel poor;” and “Gratitude makes what we have enough.”  

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