With seventy four (74) separate school shootings in the last
year and a half since Newtown, with countless young people killed or injured or
traumatized by terror in what should be a safe place, with other shootings in
offices and theaters and stores and homes and houses of religion and streets
and freeways, we in America have become a nation at war. Not at war in Afghanistan or Iraq. Not like the other war-torn countries such as
Syria and Libya and Somalia and Nigeria.
But here in America, here in the nation often described as the world’s
last best hope.
And is there anything that ordinary, everyday Americans can
do to save our country? Why, yes, there
are many things we ordinary folk can do.
First of all, we can replace, with votes, all the failed members of
Congress, both houses, who have sold their souls to the gun manufacturer lobby
and refused to write and pass and enforce sensible gun safety laws, to include
the removal of military weapons from easy availability. Secondly, we can demand loud, constant, and
non-stop national debate so that the Second Amendment can be honored without
this constant flaunting of guns, concealed or unconcealed, in public. And finally, we can properly celebrate the
Affordable Care Act, and make certain that mentally ill people get the help
they need, instead of the guns they should not have.
These things are doable.
These things are right. Doing
these things will give us an America we honor and celebrate. Not doing these things is unthinkable.
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