The Wrong Lilies

The Wrong Lilies

Monday, September 2, 2013


The full sentence would be, ‘Detroit, Detroit, what a wonderful town it could be.  The photographs we see on television and the internet are heartbreaking, the discussions we hear about not honoring the contracts for public workers’ pensions and health care is terrifying, the precedent of an American city being allowed to become bankrupt and essentially destroyed sound like something out of a weird, futuristic sci-fi novel.  But all these things are reality.  And they don’t have to be, and shouldn’t be.

Just my own simple brain can see all sorts of possibilities and there are many folks with much better brains and much better educations and experiences, so why aren’t there more discussions about possibilities?

What if, for instance, a group of philanthropists came in and bought up a lot of the residential areas, at bargain-basement prices of course, and developed median priced housing in those wonderful types of village communities with homes and apartments and restaurants and businesses, and touted the areas as ideal for the types of folks who can earn their livings away from offices and in an area that is pivotal for commute to either coast for conferences and where lakes abound.  That way the unfortunate folks who own those terribly distressed properties would get at least some compensation for them, and maybe even be able to participate in building new communities and in the businesses and restaurants that would support such communities.

And as far as the art museum there, full of masterpieces owned by the city, why don’t museums all over the country form a group and buy those same masterpieces and leave them on loan there in Detroit, because a community needs arts as well as everything else.

And why doesn’t Congress find funds to stabilize those pension plans just as was done for the Wall Street banks and the auto industry? 


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