There are so many lessons to be learned in a garden that
it’s more a matter of where to start, because the lessons
never stop.
For instance, rain barrels are highly recommended and very
handy. We have two, one by each back
corner of the house, and even a half inch of rain can fill a barrel up. We use the water for inside and outside
potted plants. However, there are some
lessons these barrels have taught us, one being that in warm weather they are
dandy breeding places for mosquitoes. So
we use mosquito floats, which must be replaced monthly, to prevent mosquitoes
from hatching. Plus the barrels
inevitably collect plant matter from overhead trees through the downspouts and
even though the barrels have screens, the plant matter is so fine that it falls
through and ‘marinates’ and the water becomes nasty-smelling. So we empty our barrels to let them dry out
and prevent mosquitoes and the waft of the smell of stagnant water. Eventually rain will come and also cooler
temperatures, but the barrels require care and attention to prevent problems.
Next, after having used coffee filters for years to cover
drain holes in pots to prevent soil washing out when the pots were watered, it
finally occurred to me that used coffee filters worked just as well as new
ones, with the added bonus that any coffee grounds residue will just act as a
bit of fertilizer, since spent coffee grounds are very beneficial to plants in
Just discovered recently (by desperation, the source of most
discoveries), an old toilet bowl brush is really great for cleaning out empty
flower pots, because there always seems to be a coating of dirt in the pots,
and even if one wants to wash them, it will be easier if they are brushed out
first. And that same old bowl brush came
in so very handy to brush off my out-door potting bench, because leaves and
petals from neighboring crape myrtles and all sorts of debris manage to accumulate
on the bench top.
My favorite all-time garden tool is a few old plastic
dishpans. I use them all the time to
carry plants from place to place when planting or transplanting; to use as a
tray when I am potting, so the potting soil which I spill while potting can be
retrieved easily; to soak plants or bulbs before planting. I even keep one that is cracked on the bottom
because I can leave plants in it temporarily and if it rains, the plants won’t
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