The Wrong Lilies

The Wrong Lilies

Friday, August 24, 2012


Right now, across this country, very weary folks are working two or three minimum wage jobs to support themselves and perhaps a family.

Right now, across this country, folks who are out of work are wearily reading classified ads, making phone calls, sending resumes, trying to support themselves and perhaps a family.

Right now, across this country, elderly people, who have been retired or who should be retired, are working at Walmart or Target or a grocery store or a department store, trying to support themselves and perhaps pay for expensive medicines.  Yesterday we found out that Norma, one of our favorite people at the grocery store, had passed away, and it made us so very sad that this very mature, hard-working, kind woman had had to work right up to her death, with never a bit of respite.  And Norma is certainly not an exception.

Neither we nor any of these people are impressed with the lifestyle of that often-named one percent, the ones who have forty percent of the wealth of the country.  The ones who have forty percent of the wealth of the country not because they have earned it "by the sweat of their brows", but because it has come to them through all the weary folks who are working minimum wage jobs, through the folks who have had their jobs taken away to ‘stream-line productivity’ because business can do that, or who have had their medicine costs soar out of proportion because the drug companies can do that.

And right now a whole political party is committed not only to clearing our national debt by draconian slashing of benefits from Medicare to education to food stamp programs, they are at the same time intent on drastically cutting the taxes of that same top one percent.  Does our national debt need to be dealt with?   Absolutely.  Are these the right methods to use to deal with our national debt?   Well, right now, those who think that are either the members of one political party, or that famous one percent, or the sadly misinformed.

So what just may be going on right now is a genuine epic battle for the future of our country. 

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