The season of loss can occur at any time, and sometimes
occurs at this time of year, when we are already dealing with mostly cloudy,
dreary days, and with the demands of approaching holidays that mandate we
infuse ourselves and our surroundings with great cheer. Of course, historically those requirements of
cheer are the device humankind has adopted for the purpose of dealing with the
dreary days. And then, we hear the news that
someone we know has gone. And even when
one of those friends had achieved the estate of ninety-nine years, and when the
other friend has been released from the darkness and pain of dementia, we think
of times gone by and shared memories, and go through the prescribed motions of
saying goodbye.

A writer by the name of George Eliot wrote these words: “I like not only to be loved, but also to be
told that I am loved …; the realm of silence is large enough beyond the grave …
and I shall take leave to tell you that you are very dear.” Goodbye, Augusta; goodbye, Louise.
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