The other day my favorite friend and sweetheart went to do
some errands and on the way home spied a field of wild flower weeds that he
knew I would like. The small purple
flowers which bloom everywhere they can this time of year, made a purple haze
in a rare wild space along the road to our home. So he
told me about them when he got home, and next chance we were out and about, he
took me by there to see them, only there wasn’t much to see from the direction
we came, which was opposite to the direction he was going when he first saw
them. With no other traffic around, we
slowly advanced, and as the perspective and the light changed, I looked back
and saw them, and he was right, they were lovely, a hazy carpet of purple
loveliness. I don’t know what the plant is called, perhaps
claytonia, which commonly blooms at this time of year.
So it occurred to me, that finding those flowers was a
matter of light and perspective. And it
occurred to me, again, that this is true of more than just wild flower weeds. For instance, I constantly fuss about weeds
in the garden, particularly at this time of year when the little ‘weedus
non-rareus’ as I call it, or henbit or wild lamium as the botanists call it,
walks across the land, or rather runs and hops and skips, for it is everywhere. Or there is the yellow oxalis, which is
terribly difficult to pull out of the ground, unlike the ubiquitous
henbit. Or there is some sort of grass
which pops up everywhere at this time of year, what I used to, as a child, call
Easter grass, because it is so green in early spring, and makes just the right
sort of clumps for hiding Easter eggs.
In my flower beds these plants are a nuisance because they want to
occupy space that has been allotted to daffodils and hyacinths and tulips and
daylilies and phlox and vegetables, all the ordinary but beloved plants that
are much preferred to any weed.
And yet it also occurs to me that a lot of times we, myself
included, lose our perspective and look at even the weeds in the wrong
light. Dandelions, they say, make tasty
greens. There is a type of wild purslane
that is supposed to be lovely in salads.
There are in fact a number of wild plants that are quite edible and
sought after by foragers. And there is
this one other thing about weeds that I must often remind myself about, for
weeds, just as any green and growing plant, take in carbon dioxide which we
humans emit in vast quantities, and in return exude out oxygen, you know, the
stuff we breathe. So even the weeds of
the field are doing more to help our weary planet than are we. Alas.